Thursday, December 29, 2005

PIzza Delivery

Last night, the doorbell I heard, so to the door to answer it I went. A pizza delivery boy it was. Strange this was, because remember ordering pizza I did not. Also strange it was because vaguely familiar, this delivery boy looked. But put my finger on where I saw him before, I could not:

"Pizza for a Mr. Yoda," he said.

"Order any pizza I did not."

"Not to worry, Old Bean... I mean, ahem, someone ordered it for you. It's paid for and everything."

"Nice that was. Order it, who did?"

"Does it matter?! Just eat the blasted thing!... I mean, uh, I'm dreadfully sorry, they didn't give me a name."

Quite an attitude he had! Deserve the tip I gave him, he did not! Anyway, very excited about having pizza, the other Jedi were. I think something about the fact that serving something called Spam Loaf, the Temple cafeteria was, it had to do.

Out it turns, eaten the Spam Loaf we should have. Go into detail I will not, but just say let me, very busy the plumbing in the temple was today. All day, constant lines to the restrooms, there were. Able to get anything accomplished today, we were not. Eat pizza from that place again, I will not!

Comments on "PIzza Delivery"


Blogger Dinorider d'Andoandor said ... (5:35 AM) : 

I sense the dark side in that pizza boy, why about giving him a force wedgie?


Blogger palps said ... (9:03 AM) : 

Pepperonni and Ex-lax will do that. Didn't your mother ever tell you never to accept pizza from strangers?


Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said ... (9:56 AM) : 

...And few come stranger than that pizza deliverer.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:36 AM) : 

You are going to have to write a followup and let us know if everything came out alright.



Blogger Jango Fett said ... (1:52 PM) : 

Did anyone order a cheese pizza?


Blogger Jardena said ... (1:52 PM) : 

Wow, you all might need to re-callibrate your ability to sense devious intenet. Even my clones wouldn't have fallen for that one. You must not be getting enough meditation in, Master Yoda.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:24 PM) : 

You should know by now that you never get something for nothing that you don't pay for in ..the end. if you know what I mean!!


Blogger Professor Xavier said ... (4:40 PM) : 

Did you guys hear about the Hutt who had diarrhea? It's all over town!

What has a green head, a yellow face, a yellow body and brown tail?
A hutt with diarrhea.

What do you give a Hutt with diarrhea?
Lots of room.


Blogger Jango Fett said ... (10:57 PM) : 

Dooku, the pizza boy. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:03 AM) : 

Next time might I suggest calling Torgo's Pizza. Hand delivered by Torgo himself, the pizza will be piping hot no matter how long ago you ordered it.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:42 AM) : 

i scream for


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:01 AM) : 

hey yoda can i have some pizza? if not than screw you!!.........................and your sister!..................................and any pet you may or may not own!!


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