Thursday, April 13, 2006

Drunken Wookiee

Another drunk call from Chewbacca I got last night. Stop doing this, he must! My sleep I need. Besides, nothing more pathetic than a drunk Wookie, there is.


"Yes, Chewbacca, 'love you, man' I do too. But 2 am it is..."

"Wuarrrrr. Wrrrrrrr. Muaaarrrrrr."

"No, know why Senator Amidala doesn't like you 'that way', I do not."


"Oh, the 'friends just let us be' speech she gave you when out you asked her."


"Then the 'you it is not me it is' speech she gave. Well, I..."


"Yes, good-looking you are. Sure I am that the reason that is not."


"No, be silly do not. Getting fat you are not."


"Yes, sure I am that out there, Ms. Right is."


"No! A good idea to call her at this time it would not be. Late it is and drunk you are."


"Yes, drunk you are. Hear it I can. Slurring your words, you are."


"OK, just mean that is. Like you when you are this way, I do not. Going to hang up I am."


"Well OK, since sorry you are..."


"Yes, how much our friendship means to you I know. No... cry do not. Chewbacca, please, crying stop."

Wrong I was when I said that nothing more pathetic that a drunk Wookiee there is. Much more pathetic, a crying drunk Wookiee is. Get caller ID I really, really must.

Comments on "Drunken Wookiee"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:38 PM) : 

Dont Crying drunk wookies only come in 2's no more no less ?

Good thing only one had yer number


Blogger Professor Xavier said ... (9:08 PM) : 

Maybe if you gave Chewbacca a present, that might cheer him up. Something that would help him with the ladies. You know, like a flea collar.


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:33 PM) : 

Good warm flea bath, happy Wookie.


Blogger Jardena said ... (4:06 AM) : 

The force doesn't act as caller ID? Bummer, that power really does have it's limits


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:42 AM) : 

Poor Chewie, no wonder Mum always says that he is a bad infulence on Dad.


Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said ... (10:47 AM) : 

Isn't Chewie married? I thought her names was Itchy or Lumpy or Sneezy or something.


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said ... (12:06 PM) : 

Chewie has fallen off the wagon!


Blogger Magdalena said ... (12:16 PM) : 

poor chewie

at least he didnt mistake your bantha for a female wookie


Blogger A Army Of (Cl)One said ... (6:32 PM) : 

that's ok Chewie, I hear her daughter would rather a kiss wookie...just to let you know


Blogger A Army Of (Cl)One said ... (6:33 PM) : 

that's ok Chewie, I hear her daughter would rather a kiss wookie...just to let you know


Anonymous Yogo said ... (6:05 AM) : 

ha ha ha


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