Too noisy around here it is. Some peace and quiet I need. In the next room, chatting on the phone with Senator Amidala, Windu is. Talking about nothing important they are. Swapping skin-care tips and trading gossip they are. Almost like "girlfriends" they have become. Weirding me out, it is.
In another room, watching wrestling while listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd, Kenobi is. Yelling loudly at the TV he is, "Get up, Booker T! You can do it! Watch out for that feller behind you with the chair! Oh no! How could you miss that, Ref?! Why'd ya let that other feller distract ya? Didn't ya see the guy with the chair?!"
Better than to play his music loud enough for me to hear, Young Skywalker knows now. Instead, rapping to himself he is:
"Yo I'm the Chosen One Best of all Jedis I'm the Chosen One Try me on for size I'm the Chosen One You can feast your eyes I'm the Chosen One Better recognize wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky"
So annoying it would not be if make the "wicky wicky wicky" sound he did not.
Going to have to take drastic measures just to get some peace and quiet I am.
Some confusion about the T-shirt store there was. Written above the ad, "Sold Out I Have" my Stupid Intern had. Meant that sold out of T-shirts I had that did not! A stupid joke by my Stupid Intern that was. That sold out to commercialism I had he meant. Stupid Intern!
Anyway, plenty of T-shirts there are.
Comments on "Noise Pollution In the Jedi Temple"
Try staying in a bldg during a Waxilite party with 16 screemin female Hutts with way to many credits & WAY TO MUCH TIME . Not enough aldarian brandy to fix that.
Perhaps you need a small vacation?
When was the last time you took a trip to Dagobah to check up on your little hut?
Is it still in good condition? Are you renting it out or is it free for a quiet weekend?
What is darklors trying to do? Take up all the Comment spaces?
As far as comments go, I firmly believe in quality over quantity.
As far as comments go, I firmly believe in quality over quantity.
Perhaps in case get the point the first time we did not, Darklord did that.
Perhaps repetition for emphasis that is.
How do you type with boxing gloves on?
The Kenobinator can punch botha 'em down!
So wait, you're sold out of T-Shirts?
I say yu play your dolly cds through the temple sound system master :-D
Professor Xavier,
Sold out of T-shirts I am not! The way rumors start that is!
I guess Porky Pig's Syndrome the have! Repetition is their signal.
And that's that's that's all all all folks!